Sunday, June 15, 2008

Finally, a post!

Well, I guess since Mrs. G listed my site on her blogroll, I better post something, huh?

This blog will hopefully take the place of my website. Just everyday things that are happening on the farm, what we are delivering to our CSA's, recipes for the veggies we are delivering or eating ourselves.

This Father's Day weekend brought new baby pigs, weeds, weeds and more weeds and our plans for the first week of the Farmers Market.

The pigs are getting settled in and getting more used to people. Unfortunately, it seems they weren't treated very well in their first home and fear people. The kids want nothing more than to get in there and get a hold of them and love them up, but the pigs are not having it.

They did let me get close enough to take this picture. Ahhhhh, how cute.

Our Farmers Market will open this week on Thursday and with the late, cold, wet spring, the tables are going to be sparse. But with the use of our hoophouse, we should be in pretty good shape. So far, it looks like we'll have 3 different kinds of lettuce, baby carrots, endive, radicchio, radishes, pea pods, spinach, early onions and possibly rapini broccoli. Not too bad for the first week.

As usual, we are not quite ready as far as equipment. We have our tent/awning and tables, but have a lot of other things to get ready to be ready for sales. This week will be full of prep work.

Pictures of the first market day will be coming later in the week along with recipes for all the goodies we will have at market.


denise said...

Yay, a blog! Can't wait to read more.

Canary said...

Werent you scared to take the picture? :)
(Sorry for intruding, but your blog is very readable! :) )

Haley said...

Those pigs are so cute!!! But god why are you so into farming?? Farming SUCKS!!!!!

Unknown said...

I hate to see that you're not blogging. I would love to learn more about your organic farm.